This is the right place


We provide logistic services in the nation, whether it is freight transportation, supply chain solutions, warehousing and distribution, customer resource area services, customs, security and insurance, temperature controlled logistics, industry sector solutions, brokerage, or lead logistic based solutions.



Our company has through years of experience in this industry has been able to create a network of associates across the length and breadth of country, with our own logistic centers spread throughout the country, which helps us to provide safe, reliable, economical and customized logistic solutions to our clients and partners.

Our logistic teams consist of hundreds of employees, who starting from the pre-loading of cargos to post-delivery, takes care of the process of logistic transport as well as warehousing and distribution on your behalf. We are authorized, insured and licensed logistic service provider, who has over the years not only gained a credible market reputation, but has also been able to win the hearts of hundreds of our clients, both national and international. It is a mutually benefitting logistic service we aim to provide to our clients, which is what has helped us become one of the most reliable logistic service providers in the nation.

Automotive Logistics

When volatile factors force an entire industry to change, consistency and trust become the measure of success. This is why we at Hellman Automotive Logistics take care of your global interests with a single point of contact. Our experienced automotive experts secure your supply chain.

Agricultural Logistics

It is a horror scenario for agriculture: the machine stops, suitable spare parts are not available, the harvest fails. This scenario belongs to the past. With fast response times, we ensure the procurement and distribution of urgently needed spare parts. Around the clock – around the globe.

Cruise Logistics

The time windows in the global cruise industry are narrow. What counts is speed and adherence to schedules. For our cruise customers and direct suppliers from the engineering, hospitality, food, non-food, and hygiene sectors, we have developed an unrivaled supply chain and supply model that covers 98 percent of the world’s ports.



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